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Old 17-07-2014, 05:51 PM   #1
Starter Motor
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Posts: 1
Default Engine number for 1994 Ford KH Laser II

Hi all,

Can someone please help me - I'm extremely frustrated!!! I have bought a little laser from my friend but it's currently unregistered so I have to fill in one of the green forms at Service SA in order to purchase it and get it back on the road. The two things I can't find are the engine number and engine capacity. They are not listed anywhere in the owner's manual and I can't find any information online. Even the bloke at Service SA did a Google search for me and got confused! I have also has a look on the engine and can't see any clear indication of a number. I have posted a photo below of what it looks like under the bonnet. Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!


Cheers, James

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Old 17-07-2014, 06:14 PM   #2
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Default Re: Engine number for 1994 Ford KH Laser II

It should be on a small tab under the distributor - only generally consists of 5 numbers.



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