Thread: Crypto $$$
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Old 08-05-2024, 03:24 PM   #1120
Starter Motor
Join Date: May 2024
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Default Re: Crypto $$$

This will go down like a lead balloon but I'm never going to stop calling out scams. Pretty much all crypto are scams and *will* take all your money at some point. Or they have good intentions but can easily fall victim to their own success. Except for bitcoin, you can see its growth over time, there is no central control to decide to take all your money and escape to some exotic location. Government can never shut it down and it has reached a level of security where it is practically impossible to carry out any meaningful attack on it. It has already survived some pretty extreme tests of its durability, see the "Blocksize Wars" of 2017 as one example, and see all the misinformation being reported over the years, e.g. that it uses an olympic pool's worth of water per transaction (think about who is paying for those fake media campaigns). Dabble in scams and you're sending money to low-life's or naïve operators.

Put money into bitcoin, secure it on your own storage hardware, build a node to validate it, wait 5 years and laugh at all the other failed 'projects' whilst your holdings remain safe and secure, and outpace inflation in value.
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