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Old 22-03-2024, 02:37 PM   #50
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Default Re: Cars you could kick yourself for overlooking

Originally Posted by rare ss View Post
I always wanted an XY GT as my first car but the old man never let me get one when I was on my P's.. my cousin got a genuine Tru Blu GT for his first car, think he paid 26k for it around '98 or so - we thought he paid too much at the time!.. he still owns it btw

I took a very series look at a burnt orange XB GT sedan afew years later for 11k but wasn't a fan of the auto - that later sold for around 9k

Next major miss was a genuine VK Group A/Group 3 that was on the market for 30k down south of Perth in Harvey, spoke to the owner about coming down to look at it - was on the market for 6+ months with no bites but I was waiting to finish moving into our first home we were building, moved in on the Friday, rang him on the Saturday to come down and it sold

Good news story, a seller spotted my wanted advert and was thinking of selling his VK Brock Group A/Group 3 he had owned for 20 odd years, managed to be at the right place and right time to land this one for well below market value at the time


Rolled the dice and got another Brock, this time a VK Director locally for 18k, owned it for a year or so before kids came along.. ended up selling at the doom and gloom times of 2008 for the same as what I got it for, spewing I sold it these days but keeping both wasn't a real option at the time

Bloke that owned the caravan park I had our little annual site on had to sell everything so he could get the place out of debt. (2013)
He offered me his gen 1 White Brock Commodore at the time for $11 000. Knocked it back because I wasn't a Commodore fan.
Was a beaut car to drive.
Never occurred to me to re-sell it later. Bugger !

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