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Old 26-08-2023, 01:58 PM   #35
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Default Re: Road safety experts propose levy on large SUVs in city to curb rising Victorian road deaths

Originally Posted by lra View Post
'Road safety experts' ?
A bit like the one-man-band 'Pedestrian Safety Council' in NSW ?

But they do have a point, even if it is misdirected.
I would prefer them to look at licencing for drivers of these bigger, heavier vehicles.

It seems OK for some-one, of any age, to have driven Corolla type vehicles for any period of time, to buy a Silverado (2,540kg) or LandCruiser (2,740KG), hook up a 3,000kg caravan, plus all the necessary other items, and head off into the Great Outback with 6 tonne of high speed metal, all legally with no extra driver training.

Heavy vehicle drivers are required to have training and a relevant licence, why not drivers of these bigger vehicles
Lol....there is conjecture in your comments, no different to the authorities you critisise.
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