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Old 28-04-2006, 10:44 PM   #60
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Yeah, the fuel costs of the semi driver is passed on, we all pay for it in the end whether we have a fuel hungry V8 or a 4cyl or a LPG car or if you have a Company car with fuel. Lucky you have LPG, it was only a few years ago it was 19c/ltr now it's up around 50c/ltr so your paying more for it to. Don't blame the oil companines, dont blame the govt. Attitudes like that is why they make billions in profits, just like the banks ohh no not another bank fee, but we keep paying it, and they keep making billions more. Petrol is just like alcohol, cigaretts, food its an item that everyone buys and they are items that the Govt makes the most money from. We are well on the roads to a depression - Interest rates increase in 1929 started the great depression. Or maybe another recession: Signs and Causes of Recession
October 27, 2005

Filed under: In The News — Bob @ 6:49 pm
The media and private business meetings alike are reflecting increasing concern about the world economy. There are plenty of dynamic signs, like the boom in mergers and acquisitions and the fabulous private wealth still being created round the world. But these are often harbingers of approaching calamity, of boiling over and leaving famine behind where there had been feast.

Yesterday I heard a super-rich property tycoon enumerating the several reasons why he feels that the economic journey from here on will be sharply downwards. Arguing the contrary is hard. Most important, it’s true that we’ve yet to pay the economic price of the surge in oil prices. The notorious quadrupling of this key factor in the Sheikh Yamani days was the equivalent of taking one machine in four out of commission around the industrialised world – with a recessionary impact that few could withstand in comfort.

The oil price effect might be cushioned this time by the switch in emphasis in the world economy from manufactured goods to services. But on the debit side, if a climate of fear is building, that in itself will create the very calamity of which people are afraid.
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