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Old 11-10-2022, 09:53 AM   #197
mechanical novice hopeful
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Default Re: 2001 AUII ute immobilizer problems

You have a blue BEM so my logic was wrong about them all being pink.
That also means I can't be sure now they are the same for utes, sedans and wagons.

If you were doing a straight BEM swap - which is not what you seem to want to do - maybe you are in a remote location? - but is what I would be trying next for simplicity.
Reading a bit more now there apparently low series and high series - and there is a mid series which is a high series with some functions disabled (which can't be related to high and low bonnets - but I can't find a reference back to what colour is what - but I assume that high or mid series is pink - mine are pink and from XR's and SR's - so maybe they are interchangeable - and if blue is low series - then any blue or pink series 2/3 might do - assuming again that utes are not different to sedans and wagons.
I have also seen references to not being able to use a high series in a low series without going to Ford. But maybe that was before forscan came along?

I see references to a BEM replacement guide on the aufalcon part of this forum. But I'll be stuffed if I can find it via a search...which is nothing new :(
I also see you have a thread going on on forscan and are getting some help there.

I don't think I have read about anyone trying to repair a BEM or ECU - probably cost and finding someone who knows how to do it? - apart from getting their ECU chipped - if the ECU was actually was the problem - but then you can have other issues like the aircon running all the time? - or maybe the reverse? - and maybe that was only VCT? - anyway just trying to say, I would be wary of that route.

I have pulled out a dash on my own, hacked it and broke several parts. I then watched a guy do one for me, who had done them before, and he broke nothing and did it in much less time. So it definitely can be done but you just need to know all the quirks. He said if he doesn't know how to do something, he goes to pick a part and hacks at theirs first, until he works out how to do it properly
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