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Old 10-10-2022, 10:04 PM   #193
Regular Member
Join Date: Sep 2016
Posts: 50
Default Re: 2001 AUII ute immobilizer problems

Right....I have the BEM on the bench. Unfortunately there's no obvious carnage like a popped capacitor or burned resistor etc...
(see photos)

Haven't decided whether to try another used one....or see if I can get it tested and/or repaired...

And btw...that lower dash section is a focker. I was about 5 seconds away from getting the cordless jigsaw out! I couldn't get that section to pop out so I could get at the BEM properly (insert foul language here).

EDIT: I've given up on uploading the photos. No matter how many times I resize them (well under the site limits) they get rejected on dimension/size.
If the admins want to run a steam powered forum from another era, who am I to fight it.
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