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Old 26-01-2021, 09:41 PM   #30
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Default Re: 2019 Focus Trend 1.5L T or 2018 Corolla Ascent Sport 2.0

Originally Posted by Adamz Ghia View Post
No, you did. Read what you wrote. You said it had nothing to do with power, torque, infotainment, fleet sales or sheep mentality. It’s right there. You wrote it.

If people buy things on reputation alone, which is what you wrote, that sounds a lot like sheep mentality to me.

Next time you post, write it out, then have a read and a bit of a think before you press the submit button.

Powershift didn’t kill the Focus, it never really got going in the first place since it’s 2002 launch. That was one botched launch.
Thats right, i said it twice infact, what i didnt say was that Corolla sells due to parts supply, you simply read the two part post and with a little help from mental gymnastics, arrived at your conclusion.

My reference to spare parts on a vehicle out of warranty is just that, something to consider if intending long term ownership, i never said it was why they sell which is how you interpreted it, and lets be honest, the way Ford have been flip flopping lately over offerings i certainly wouldnt put money on Focus being around locally in 5yrs time as opposed to the Corolla which is a Toyota staple.

Truth is, youre just one of those butt hurt Ford devotee's that cant handle the fact that a perceived appliance outsells your precious no matter how good it is and rather than acknowledge the decision making of thousands of owners who feel the Corolla is a worthwhile option, you demean them by calling them sheeple to make yourself feel better about no one wanting your Focus.

If it were me i wouldnt buy either, id get the Cerato GT, its more powerful, has more torque, quicker and comes with heaps of warranty...and also sells ****loads more than your Focus, but thats just facts.
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