Thread: Covid 19 -
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Old 22-03-2020, 11:11 AM   #305
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Default Re: Covid 19 -

Originally Posted by roddy1960 View Post
Trump better get off his rhetoric filled backside and start making some very hard decisions . I hope the malaria drug makes a difference . That'd be great but they're now saying that the disease is going to have a much bigger impact on the USA than what Trump says . Listen to him at his press conferences and he trots out the usual crap he usually does trying to say that it's under control. It bloody isn't . Tell the American people the total truth Trump because if they get told that it might make it easier to get them to self isolate or take better measures in public.

They're just saying on TV now that it's spread ten times the size of infections in New York State in the past seven days with 8000 confirmed infected that they know of .

By all means quickly trial the malaria drug but that's not going to wipe out the disease for a fair while even if hopefully it's pretty effective on current sick people.
It's multiplying spreading as each day passes so all sorts of decisions not least by Trump's mob have to start happening right now.
BENT msm…………………….
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