Thread: Covid 19 -
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Old 18-03-2020, 10:23 PM   #171
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Default Re: Covid 19 -

Good ol' Scotty said today - using Singapore as an example, that he has decided not to close the schools. Firstly, Singapore acted quicker, and did a much, much, better job of restricting the spread and containing it. The students and teaching staff in Singapore were/are checked for temperature daily, and most were/are wearing masks.

We have not - and are not - doing ANY OF THAT! We haven't acted quick enough to stop the spread, and we don't check the temperature of every student and teacher! So how can he possibly use Singapore as a comparison??

Children may be a reduced risk of death, and all the stats point to that. But they do help with spreading the virus. How is this not comprehendible to those advising him, or himself? Scotty says he is happy to send his kids to school, so everyone else should be happy too??

The truth of it all, Scotty doesn't want to close the schools because he doesn't want to stop parents from going to work! They will delay the lockdown until it's too damn late, just like most other western countries have done, and we all will pay a big price because of it. Either way we will pay a big price, but locking down everyone would be the better option. Lockdown needed to happen at least 7 days ago.

Last edited by Tickford.; 18-03-2020 at 10:36 PM.
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