Thread: Morgan Park
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Old 18-03-2006, 09:10 PM   #7
Lightning Strike GT
FF.Com.Au Hardcore
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Yes it has gone up a little bit from last time SO WHAT we need days like this , a bit of good old fashion rivalry in good humour and a great social aspect to boot so come on all clubbies get behind the hard working committee that does a fantastic job to bring us these events the amount is not excessive for you to compete if you want and as the email said the more cars there is the price will drop
As the last team captain of the 8's I would rather lose because of the whipping by the 6 team than lose by the lack of enthusiam
C'mon guys and gals we all need you it is not about an all out assault on the track it is a place to have fun

Regards Alan
FG GT in Lightning Strike
5th anniversary edition in manual 1 of 25
And an 2019 MD Mondeo Trend Wagon in Platinum White
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