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Old 13-09-2016, 09:44 AM   #70
Join Date: Jun 2010
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Default Re: The FGX as the ultimate enthusiast collectors falcon?

Originally Posted by Express View Post
There are a couple of P76’s in the streets around where I live and a few Pacers as well and they’re all owned by fellows well and truly into their retirement.

I was walking the dog one morning and a fellow around the corner was washing his Pacer and I struck up a conversation with him.

He told me he bought it because he wanted a 70’s car for him and the misses to cruise around in and he chose a Pacer because it goes ok and they’re as cheap as chips to buy.

As you said, there is a big difference between being collectable and being worth big dollars as most collectables (which these days seems to be a common term for describing older cars) are not worth much and are more a passion and not a money spinner.

And I’ll say the same as I say in these type of threads when they come up every month or so, today people are savvy to the notion that old can equal gold mine and therefore there are too many speculators with cars locked away in garages for them to ever truly be worth a lot.

They’ll be collectable but not an investment to retire on.
This applies to my ZD. Not overly lusted after by anyone but me and a few land yacht fans but it makes me feel like King of the Road in a way that modern, better cars don't...
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