Re: Help with Capri cooling
My thermo fan is fitted to the front, and is 12" diameter, stator blade and a slim-fit design. Found on eBay for $30 some years ago.
Never had a problem with overheating, but I don't drive in SYD/ BNE / MEL traffic.
It does fit between (/behind) radiator and timing case IF you remove the std fan (which in your case is broken.)
I've left the plastic std fan attached and free-wheeling but not connected to the V-belt. The longer std belt is carried in the boot just in case.
A 14"doesn't quite fit the front - you'd need to trim the blade case a bit. Bought one in anticipation then lost interest at that point (for now at least).
I see you can get 13" fans, but they seem somewhat more expensive than 12" and 14" fans.