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Old 07-03-2016, 12:02 AM   #35
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Default Re: US Presidential Elections - Boring or Important to Australia?

Trump above all else is a salesman. Apparently a good one at that. A good salesman knows what is the best product to sell his clients. Trump is selling the mythical American Dream which is exactly what the majority of disenfranchised voters of America want to hear. Like voters everywhere Americans are sick of untrustworthy career politicians with little compassion on the issues that affect the majority of its constituents and zero motivation other than how to save their *** at the next election. Not that he'd do much better but at least he telling them what they want to hear.

The American media were way too pre occupied poking fun at his hair, arrogance, ego to take him seriously and missed the chance to put pressure on him.

In short, it appears the American public would rather a lunatic run the asylum than another career politician.
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