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Old 10-06-2015, 12:55 PM   #26
Franco Cozzo
Thailand Specials
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Default Re: Depression, Anxiety

Originally Posted by Rapid_Axe View Post
Just had a whinge to the missus about my train being late due to someone nearly passing out on board and getting somewhat in trouble for not rendering assistance to this person and what if she died and would the time you are late matter to this person's family.

I did think about it for like half a minute before stopping and thinking I genuinely did not care if this person did faint. They were being attended to by rail staff and other passengers on the platform so it's none of my business.

Would a lack of compassion constitute toward depression and anxiety. Cause I know I've said a number of times to the missus and others I only care about people I have direct contact and daily interaction with.
I think thats pretty natural, what are the people to you out and about on the street, on public transport etc.

People in the line in front of you when trying to order coffee, people sitting near you on the train, people standing next to you on the street of CBD waiting to cross street etc.

Just strangers really, its easy not to have compassion for randoms you don't know/haven't met or had any interaction with.

Sure they have their own lives, families, friends etc but everyone on that train is just some stranger going about their daily life, just another person on the damn overpacked train and in the line in front of you to get coffee that stretches too damn far

Last edited by Franco Cozzo; 10-06-2015 at 01:01 PM.
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