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Old 31-03-2015, 03:59 PM   #54
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Default Re: Depression, Anxiety

Originally Posted by malazn mafia View Post
Anyone had experience with going to a professional? Going through an extremely rough patch at the moment after being cheated repeatedly by different females over the years. The one that just happened has thrown me off the edge, affected my health and I don't see any way of getting better apart from doing what I have always done by bottling everything up, keeping to myself and turning a new page, but there are only so many times you can do this before you run out of pages.
I get what GTO is saying, how can talking to a complete stranger for hours possibly change the reality that has been your life, but that thought process is part of the trap.
Believe me, I lived with that opinion for 38 years.

The best thing I ever did was talk to my GP about it, 30 seconds in and I was crying like a baby but you know what, he was listening and he wasn't judging.
He knows what a man looks like when he's at rock bottom and that's exactly where I was.
I was having a breakdown and the first priority was to calm me down and then to get me on the right path.

When I walked into that consultation room for the first time I was extremely apprehensive as to what difference talking to him would make to my problems.
The first question he asked me was 'what is the problem'.
With that one sentence a flood of emotion poured from me.

I didn't know where to start so I took us right back to my very first memories.
The story he received for his enquiry was confronting to say the least, it hasn't been an easy life. Truth is it wouldn't matter what the answer was, because that's not the point, the point is, he asked.

See this is what I believe the key to many peoples problems, they feel alone in their times of need.
Sometimes all they need is someone to say 'hey, is everything ok'.
To know that there is someone to talk to about whatever is bugging you without prompting that enquiry.
Peoples lives are so busy now that we don't actually have time to stop and smell the roses, to get everything off your plate or to check that the person next to you is ok.

I've had 7 sessions with the Psych and it would be naïve to think 4 hours of talking is going to erase 38 years of hits but what it has done is shown me that people do care, people will listen (even if it is for some serious coin lol) and most importantly that im not alone and shouldn't hide my problems away for fear of exposing a weakness.

Give it a go, whats the worst that could happen?
Imagine if it does help and what your life could be.
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