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Old 03-03-2015, 05:09 PM   #16
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Default Re: Depression, Anxiety

Originally Posted by raised by monkeys View Post
Of course they would. Above described is a (albeit brief) description of the medicinal effect of anti depressant medication on the mood. The medical model is to apply a bandage. Meds are not a long term solution and mess with the bodies chemicals to treat the symptom, not the problem.

We are talking about mental illness; the psych, not strictly medical. I work from a social work model which incorporates knowledge from psychology and sociology; social sciences. A combination of therapy + meds are recommended. Meds are recommended to assist in the short term to stabilise moods and allow people to function, but then to be weened off slowly as the problem is treated.
That is exactly what I was told by my GP and in extension by the Psychologist.

The GP told me it was only a short term fix and then proceeded to convince their resident Psych to see me before he left for his other practicing suite.
The Psych took one look at me and was more than convinced.

During our discussions he made it quite clear that therapy alone was not going to work, I would need medication to assist.

I have serious anger issues and a level of social anxiety as a result of family problems in my younger years, which really hinders my day to day life.

The best way to describe how that pill felt was like driving out of fog, all of sudden everything became clear and I could put stuff in to perspective.
I didn't feel high or anything, just stuff didn't bother me that normally would.

I went to bowls on Saturday and had a ball, a fair bit of banter and **** talk spilled from all involved and we got smacked by a very good outfit but whereas I'd normally be annoyed, not in a bad sportsmanship sense but dirty with myself for not making the difference , I just shrugged it off and grabbed a tomato juice from the bar and moved on.

Don't hide from it, take it on and help yourselves.

I couldn't see much hope and although I've always said suicide wasn't an option for me, I feel inside I was close last week which scared me into getting help.
Im far from sorted, in fact I think it will be a long slow road as my issues are well ingrained, but I can finally see daylight at the end of the tunnel.
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