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Old 03-03-2015, 01:08 PM   #13
BENT_8's Avatar
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Default Re: Depression, Anxiety

Originally Posted by buggerlugs View Post
I think "Facebook" has a lot to answer for in our Society....
Your not wrong there!

I spent half the day Friday sitting in a Doctors surgery talking to my GP and then an hour with a Psychologist as the result of a family fight over Facebook.
All because my sister added her phone number to her account when she opened it and an estranged family member clicked on those 3 little dots and found it and called her.
My sister wouldn't have any of it and accused her daughter in law of providing the number.
My nephew went around and proved to her that her number was on the profile, but she wouldn't have a bar of it.

The next thing I get a phone call from my mother expecting me to sort it all out and when I did they refused to apologise.

I lost it completely, I'd been doing well too but all it took was a few poorly chosen words and I was right back where I started.

I've always baulked at the idea of medication to treat my problems, but as a result of the state I was in on Friday my GP said either take something or im ringing an ambulance.
He gave me something called Alepam and within a few hours I was smiling from ear to ear. To be honest I hadn't felt that good in ages and I slept like a baby, but now im concerned that I will turn to it every time I feel flat and I don't want to become dependant on them.
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