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Old 24-04-2012, 10:10 PM   #1
Tilley Racing
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Default Tilley Racing Track Day ~ 28-May-2012

Hi guys, thought I'd put this in here, we want to get as many people here to the day as possible.

Hello Everyone!

Tilley's is pleased to announce that we will be hosting a track day at Wakefield Park Raceyway on the 28th May 2012. It's a Monday, so take a much needed day off work and create a long weekend for yourself, especially when you can spend it like this!

Points for the day;
  • Brad and Cameron Tilley will both be there to help out with any queries you might have. As track days can be daunting the first time you head out, both Cameron and Brad will be available for driver training. Get them in your passenger seat and learn from years and years of experience.
  • I'm getting together some 'celebrity forum' cars together for the event as well. GTP370 will have his Twin Turbo GT-P there (it will be finished by then I believe), I'll be bringing my BA MKII GT-P (I'm Wild Inc. by the way), Grum will have his 330+rwkw ute (quadcams' old ute) there, and there are a few others which will hopefully be in attendance.
  • At this stage, and this is subject to change, both the famous green XY GT that Brad drives in the Touring Car Masters, as well as the Blue BOSS Mustang that Cameron drives will be there doing testing for the up coming Phillip Island round. These cars are brillant to watch, and what better way to complement your track day with these two cars testing at the same time!
  • The format for the day will be very casual, depending on numbers confirmed, we plan to have the pit lane open the majority of the day, with a limit of 15 cars on the track at one time. There will more detail on this closer to the event, but just keep in mind we are having this for you guys, so you can get your Ford out there and have some fun.
  • Extra costs, you will need to purchase a Full Day License from Wakefield unless you have a Cams L2S license, in which case you won't need to buy anything. You can also purchase lunch at the cafe there if you wish. You will need full length clothing and a helmet as well.

If you want to come and drive your car on the race track, please put your name on this page and PM me here or send me an email at and I'll fill you in on the account details and fill any other questions you may have.

Thanks and we hope to see you all there,
Gab @ TilleyRacing

Tilley Racing & Automotive
The industry leaders in everything from classic Fords to race preparation and everything in between.
We also run the Tilley Racing entries in the Australian Touring Car Masters.

Phone: 02 9938 6293
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