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Old 23-05-2011, 09:49 AM   #212
Starter Motor
Join Date: Jul 2009
Posts: 12
Default Re: Stolen Car Only Thread

i was told by a convicted car rebirther/chop shop owner (i work in the jail so i have contact with these sort of low lifes) and he said that it isnt hard to steal even the biggest show car he said that generally that its done by a team of people wich is usually a head of opperation wich gives the steal team the details of the car ie:where its parked that sort of stuff. then theres a steal crew wich usually push the car out of wherever it is it doesnt matter if they want to take it bad enough they will he went on to tell me that one car they took an original GTHO owner took the wheels off the car every time when it was parked he told me they would move the car with there own wheels so be extra carefull especially another story was ar a car show well a very known car show where they drove a trailer in people even stopped and asked if they needed help moving the car the pushed it on the trailer not on person thought this was weird he used the cover story the electronics were down this is at a car show which every year gets aroud 100,000 people through the gates over the days.

then the worst part if the car isnt found within a week expect the worse im sorry but this is the case as they will take the engine cos they will already have a buyer an engine like this he said would prob go for between 16,000$-20,000$ esyily and the car will usually be taken apart by young blokes like apprentice mechancis im not saying all apprentices are llike this just some minority he said they are targeted esy because of the small amount of cash they make at work and can generrally earn 3-5 grand from a nights work which makes them easy targets as they generally dont have any contact with the head and they are getting exploited as if they are caught will get small sentences or fines.

he said a way they would also operate is go to car shows and sus the car out they would find the area the person lived or just go up to the owner anywhere asking about the car and like anyone thinks that they are taking an intrest in the car but you just have to remember the people who like while you have been out the front washing the car have stopped and asked questions or when you drive the car pull up and do the same
its just you have to remember the sus things like when you go back and think geez that guy was asking weird questions that sort of thing.

by no way am i sticking up for this person by anyway im jusst trying to inform people on to this **** way that people are as there are scum like this in the industry you just have to be careful especially the sydney area lately as there have been a very high number of show cars gone missing in the last month.
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