Originally Posted by dave93761
....Yes sir!
I'm going as low as what you are I guess mate - they will be the same springs as what you have in your car.
How low is yours sitting - has it dropped any more now that the springs have settled in a bit???
Would I need to get the guards rolled???
LOL sorry Dave, I should have typed that sentence into a request, not a demand.
Yes my springs have settled in nicely now. They did drop about another quarter to half inch more after about 1-2weeks. I did find the springs hardened up a fraction too, like they became a little firmer. But still softer than Kings.
No need to get guards rolled. I run 18x8's with 235's all round and have no problems.
In saying that, with my negative camber on the front, the tires arent as close to the outer guard as they would be with a 0 camber.
I'll take some pics. Bear with me.