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Old 15-04-2009, 09:44 AM   #88
XP Coupe
Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 2,098

Originally Posted by ILLaViTaR
Ah the good old I'm a hero/the world would be far worse off without me capitalist ego.

Reality check:

1. You perks/benefits of owning a business outweigh anything with the word handout in it.

2. Instead of boasting blind sums why don't we look at the percentage of your income you donate rather than the amount. And if you weren't blessed with all this income I doubt you'd be donating in the first place.

3. The reason those charities don't have money in the first place is because capitalists have a monopoly on the market and take advantage of it, hoard all the money which results in a majority suffering for the minority.
An example of this would be the oil companies, the price for petrol is ridiculously steep for the average family, causes lots of grief/stress, all because someone wants to have a diamond coated Mercedes Benz.

No matter how ruthless you are, you supply jobs and donate to charity and once that happens you're a hero.

I'll probably get executed for treason tomorrow, note however that government decision will be heavily influenced by some capitalist.
Once again you know very little about could you? My retort was not so much at Barraxr8, but the need for some members to rdicule others to promote their own agendas. Your post for instance could be construed as the working man's mantra. I don't have a problem with you thinking in terms of evil capitalists and wholesome socialists, that is your right, but if I disagreed I wouldn't be segueing a disassociated spin on your posts like you have on mine.

My post was a swipe at the home of capitalism moving toward a protectionist/socialist model that was the USA from 1812 through to 1919. You would know about this from your highschool social studies B. You would also know the outcome of the tariff centric US Govt nationalising manufacture and finance in the 1920'/30's and other countries following suit?

Humour me a bit on your points:

1 What perks do you think a business owner gets? We aren't talking a listed corporation here that spends shareholder's money on american or english accents.

2. I have done charity work since I was a kid growing up in the worst part of Perth... your excuse? If being generous to others is a sin, then I'm guilty as charged.

3. The reason charities don't have enough money is because the donations aren't enough. Are you doing your bit? Oil companies hoarding the world's money supply causing a lack of donations is drawing a pretty long bow.

And no I'm not a hero. On the contrary I'm quite self deprecating; it's the Mrs Haversham's of this world who put labels on people they don't know or won't bend to their will.
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