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Old 29-06-2008, 01:02 PM   #26
Green X
FF.Com.Au Hardcore
Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: WA, Perth/ Pilbara
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Originally Posted by ivorya
Come ON!!! Do you worry wether this Global thing is real? Do you have Kids? Do you think how all this could affect them down the track?
If this decision adds lots of coin to there warchest, so be it, they'll have to give it back in some way, ie/better public transport etc.
Would you be happy if elma phud said they'd donate the Carbon tax to CSIRO for R&D into Organic production of fuel so we don't have reliance on the the new wave of Terror? Probably not, Your probably only looking 4yrs down the road.............
I Got 2 mates who are environmental scientist's and my Uncle is the environmental go to guy on the hole global warming Jargon i get fed it all the time. Kyoto is outdated, it was signed as a post election hype

I have huge issues with the way the whole carbon Tax works, Bottom line is a group of people is once agene will be making big money out of it and once agene it’s the Average Joe Public that makes the smallest impact takes the hard hit.

My Top boss at work has, a SL5000 Merc, Range rover sport and some other Merc 4WD+ a 60ft Boat do you thick he gives a toss about a Carbon Tax NO, The company Quotes now just get adjusted to cover it and he’s on a $600,000 salary, Do I get a pay rise to cover it NO I just get to Cop it sweet.

If it happens where does my $18 a week in Fuel carbon tax go to?? And how is it helping change the environment. The WA Government just received Billions in new iron ore revenue due to a price hike why is that not being pumped into Environmental change?? No that we will just stick another TAX on fuel instead.

You do the math, if say Just in Australia 20,000,000 people pay $18 a week in carbon tax and all that money is pumped into Environmental change and research, if we don’t have car’s in 3 years that covert goat P*&% into gasoline that when burnt produces oxygen questions need to be rased.

Now that Fuel is 1.60 a liter why don't they take all that Extra Cash they get from that 10%GST that used to take 10% of 90CPL and put that into the environment.

Economist's and Governments Talk growth, growth and growth as well as cliament change, well ya can't have ya cake and eat it to.

Australia’s Footprint on a global scale is so stupidly small even if we go 100% carbon neutral it isn’t going to do Chit.

End rant.
FPV GS ute 5.0 S/C
Twin 3-inch, pacemaker headers
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