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Old 24-06-2008, 08:26 PM   #90
Join Date: Nov 2007
Location: North Coast
Posts: 415

Originally Posted by pejamas
Well last night after a very long day at Heathcote drags and even longer drive home, i got pulled over at a boos bus @ the hoppers crossing exit, as i was being breath tested another cop walked up to me and asked why i had my fog lights on, i explained ( calmly and nicely ) that i was driving through some bad rain just past Kilmore and towards the city on my way home from Heathcote. Asks for my license, walked towards the bus and came back and handed me a $110 fine.

Is this absolutely stupid or what? There not bright or distracting in my opinion, I've had many many BA/BF's with fog lights on behind me and they don't distract me nor are they too "bright" as the cop informed me.. those damn halogen lights are more annoying!

Just another Victorian Police revenue raiser?
It may be an easy revenue raising exercise but its law and if that is the case then surey common sense would dictate that you not use them unless you are in the appropriate conditions.

As for the argument of rain back up the road.......thats like saying to a cop who has just pulled you over doing 100 in a 60 zone "......but there was a 100 zone 2km back". As far as I am concerned, the lights make no difference in clear weather to your normal headlights unless you are only looking 10 feet in front of the bonnet so why have them on at all. I'm someone who does 30000km+ a year on mostly highway driving, i can say they are very distracting and annoying to me with oncoming traffic so i applaud the fact that cops pull people up. Don't think for a minute though that i support the use of a fine. I agree it is just revenue. The cops aren't pulling you up on a matter of safety, its just easy policing, no work. Otherwise they would actively pursue drivers disobeying this law. What you normally see is some poor p plater getting pulled for rbt then they go over his car with a fine tooth comb or someone drives into an RBT blitz or someone is doing something like speeding then gets caught and has the book thrown at him for every possible infringement.
Fat *** coupe lover
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