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Old 13-11-2007, 05:43 PM   #133
FF.Com.Au Hardcore
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Originally Posted by HOON69
you seriously deluted if you think this isn't happening in this very forum,he had a opinion,one which i wont agree with but saying his the example is a cheap shot.

wanna see numerous mods and even members street racing i have it on a official meet of here,so talks cheap and a change needs to start from the top,and without that,you'll find theres more then one hoon on here willing to "talk it up" about these new ideas.
I am the one giving the cheap shots? I simply commenting on his immature "opinion" of slitting the throats of people who would crush his car, wow so charming and so civilised :togo: . Now if his car was to be crushed it would be because he is a repeat offender not a one off. Judging by the tone used, he is one of the people who WOULD be targeted in this campaign and rightly so. Now if he was given several warnings including fines and a confiscation of his car for a period of time and it still didn't get into his head knowing what the next step would be, then it would be his own fault. It wouldn't be like it was a hidden law.

I don't care if it is the king of Scotland doing it, everyone knows the consequences yet still persist to obviously do something illegal then whinge and whine when it comes to bite them on the ***.
It shouldn't have to come from any level to stop it (club or forum), if some people would use the grey matter between their ears there wouldn't be any issues now would there? What is the problem with being a little more sensible on the road? I don't care if you can drive like Schumacher (or think you can more like it), the fact of the matter is a public road is exactly that, for other people in cars, bikes, trucks, etc to use. There is enough on the road to worry about other than some "hero" drifting his car in the wet while his equally stupid boyfriends cheer on.
It only took a few idiots out there to ruin it for the rest of us, i mean it wasn't like no one was warned.

the idea is stupid as is the thought that it'd deter hoons
whats stopping me using a 200 dollar VN,getting a bodgy RWC
some tyres for 10bucks each(legal) from the local market,tearing a skid down the local hot spot and thinking i'd care if i lost it?

1)i'd de-rego it and use it on the next VN

2)knowing the laws i'd be able to fight it in the courts and tie up the system with my rumbling lawyer talk and medical certificates

3) then in 3-12 months im back doing it again
So what you're happy to be a loser to do prove what? Jeez aren't you so intelligent?
Your "rumbling Lawyer talk" and "medical certificates" may only get you so far before you're jailed and covering the costs of wasting us tax payers time and money.

it wont work or it'll do is remove the "nicer hoon vehicles" and replace them with big buckets of puss that shouldnt be allowed on the road.

nuff said,over it!
It isn't the car that is the problem but more so the imbecile between the steering wheel and the seat. Yes there are many cars out there that shouldn't be on the road but that's for another topic.
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