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Old 12-11-2007, 11:45 AM   #13
Boosh Brus
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Default 'We'll destroy hoons' cars

'We'll destroy hoons' cars - and video it'
Email Printer friendly version Normal font Large font November 12, 2007 - 8:05AM

Car hoons will be penalised and humiliated under a NSW government initiative to wreck the vehicles of offenders and publish video footage of the destruction.

Premier Morris Iemma says the plan proposes to destroy hoons' cars in demonstration tests under controlled conditions.

"Car hoons engage in potentially lethal, property destroying, anti-social behaviour," Mr Iemma said in a statement today.

"We're turning the tables. We'll destroy their property - but do it for the right reasons."

Police Minister David Campbell said film of the cars being destroyed would be publicly released.

"Video footage of these once-prized possessions being turned into splintered, twisted scrap will be the clearest message yet to hoons that we're serious about stamping out their behaviour and saving lives in the process."

The comments come after a weekend when police confiscated four cars whose drivers were allegedly racing on suburban Sydney streets.

In separate incidents on Saturday night, two 23-year-old men, one a provisional licence holder, a 19-year-old man and 29-year-old man had their cars confiscated by police and were ordered to face court for street racing.

Mr Iemma said the plan to destroy hoons' cars would provide valuable controlled crash statistics, and footage of the destruction would be used as a deterrent to wannabe hoons, while also educating young drivers.

"The modified, loud and often illegal vehicles confiscated from car hoons will be smashed to pieces in our crash labs, the results filmed and analysed, and the wrecks shown to other young drivers as a warning," Mr Iemma said.

"The RTA will also use the unique tests to investigate the potential effects of certain modifications on overall crashworthiness.

"And we'll show the wrecks at education days for young drivers, or at other RTA presentations."

Offenders would have to be convicted of street racing before the vehicles could be destroyed.

WTF? What I can see is bogans driving recklessly in $200 cars and then after they get crushed they just go out and get another one.
Then someone who has poured months of his life and spent most of his cash on his car does a burnout or something and gets his car crushed.

Sorry if this is a repost.

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