4 November
THe cruise set for the 4/11/2007..
lots us live all over town from north to south... so if we have a series of set times and locations where folks can join/leave the cruise as they see fit.
There is an emphasis on the stop at the Chocolate Factory near midland at 4pm, where it is hoped that all cars will be there regardless of whether they are just joining the cruise, or about to finish up.
I will check that the MRCF is open until at least 4:30pm.
The planned times are as follows.
12pm - leave Baldivis bottom of Freeway
1pm - leave Kelmscott Maccas
2:30 - leave Kalamunda (most likely Chicken Treat as the Bakery may still be closed)
4pm - meet at MRCF for a chat and some food (chocolate).
4:45ish - leave MRCF
AFTER THIS it will be up to someone who lives up that way, we could either go via REID or GNANGARA road towards the coast, then down to Hillarys or even Scabs for sunset.
I will put a link to this post in the WA section and bump it now and then..
I personally think the cruise should not exclude any type of vehicle, but we should not drive like turkeys around town.
Any ideas.. feel free to throw them in.