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Old 25-07-2007, 09:24 PM   #22
Hoon On The Rise
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Join Date: Mar 2005
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Following Mick's post...

Dates, who would Prefer the weekend of the 2nd, 3rd and 4th, The 9th, 10th and 11th, or the 16th, 17th, and 18th of November.

I will make a few phone calls later in the week regarding accomodation, see if I can organsie some deals, though ill need to have a rough idea of numbers, what I think I will do is get a few quotes for a few different places and supply you guys the information and let you sort accomodation out yourself.

So far members that have Expressed their Interest include:

84RGE - Mick
TUF240 - Michael
Dave XR - Dave
f6 typhoon - Chris
RACE38 - Phil
BluXr6 - Jeff
black mummba

Bluehoon - Ben
Grum - Greg
Airmon - Clay
Ruger - George
John_xr6t - John

As a incentive for the QLDers I have been assure by Bluehoon that he is definately bringing a large supply of Krspy Kremes.

We have found some accommodation here, that looks the goods.
Close to all major gear in coffs, and walking distance from shops, beach, and restaurants...
If we take a cabin (or three), and pile everyone in, it works out to be $20 per head, per night for accommodation. Thats for a fully air conditioned cabin, with showers and full facilities. The works, have a look at website...

It's not the rits, or hyatt, but good accommodation..

Inc 3 (worst case scenario) tanks fuel, accommodation and the rest, you would comfortably get away with this weekend for $400.00. Thats food, booze and spending... The whole lot, lock stock and barrell.

Thought and comments welcome, lets see if we can bolster the numbers some more..!

Note: All AFF Members are more then welcome!

Stomp 'n' Steer

FGX-XR8 Manual, BFII E-Gas, '11 GSXR 1000 - Love 'em!
FPV Tickford Club of NSW -

Last edited by Bluehoon; 25-07-2007 at 10:05 PM.
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