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Old 12-07-2007, 12:07 AM   #80
Kick out tha Jams
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Join Date: Mar 2006
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Posts: 443

Originally Posted by texrs388
You might be able to buy a dictionary then to learn how to spell . I,d love to stay and chat, but i have to go and fix the BREAKS on my bus as i would hate to run into anything because i couldn't stop it. :
man, theres been too many people preaching 'over-goodness' here. Sureley you can realise a difference between stealing money and spending it and getting given money and spending it!!

Its rude to not accept an offer of someone giving you something!!! Get your goody 2 shoes head around that.

Using your line of thinking, I SHOULD hope you dont fix your breaks too well and end up rolling off the side of the cliff.... but I wont think that, coz theres a chance that you might fall on someone stopping to pick up the $20 they found on the side of the road :

All you goody 2 shoes have done something 'questionable' in the past, and theres no point trying to convince anyone your mother thereasa, coz it just makes us all think your an old ugly lady with no personality.

PS - to mark your credit file, you need to have agreed to pay for something, or to re-pay a loan. if youve been given (as opposed to loaned) money and spent it, you have never made an agreement to re-pay, so your credit cant be marked unless a judgement is saught and found against you - which probably wouldnt happen anyway, and even if it did, its not the same as a standard credit breech judgement and financial institutions know the difference

actualy, I found quite a bit of money in my car when I purchased it (you can see it in my avatar) should I go follow up with the cab company who all thier clients were, and ask them if they ever lost money in a cab and if so how much and give it all back?? would you, or would you spend it like I did??
$416.80.......All that cash came from a new (used) car. Check your back seats!

Last edited by robbo_yobbo; 12-07-2007 at 12:17 AM.
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