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Old 07-01-2005, 09:34 PM   #21
FF.Com.Au Hardcore
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Originally Posted by agentofchange
Sorry Casper, I'm only new here - I didn't mean to do anything wrong (did I break a forum rule?)

I still feel it was a fair call to describe the problem as I did - "Method x" is very a common problem for the AU series, and relates directly to the thread.

I was at Ferntree Gully Ford today and the service guy I spoke to said they have someone in every day after being broken into via "method x". I think if someone was looking to break into a car they would already know about the method I described.

-- Agent
no, not a drama and you are right, it is a VERY common problem. I'd just not give any ideas to lurkers etc.
If its not mentioned, it may stop just one theft.

I have a rather intrusive alarm on mine specifically to deal with this sort of method however I'd rather not have to pay for the repairs.

Your ok, no dramas here, just want to keep that little issue away from the spotlight if possible.
Older, wiser, poorer.

Now in Euro-Trash. VW Coupe V6 4motion.
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